Materials Engineering, Inc.
47W605 I.C. Trail
Virgil, IL 60151
Of Materials Interest2005 Fall
A Brief Overview of Metallography
Stress Corrosion Cracking in Metals
The "What Is It?" Contest

A Brief Overview of Metallography

Some of our readers that have examined the metallographic photomicrographs included in our reports may have wondered about the process behind the images. Metallography is a relatively involved practice that requires a healthy blend of art and science.
Although the term metallography was used as early as the 1700's, the practice as we know it today is generally recognized as originating from the pioneering work of the geologist Henry C. Sorby in the mid to late 1800's. Beginning with his development of petrographic techniques for the microscopic examination of geological samples, Sorby advanced the science of iron and steel making in Sheffield, England by adapting this approach for the study of meteoritic iron.
Sorby's adaptation of his petrographic sample preparation involved a long and painstaking grinding and polishing procedure to incrementally remove the layer of material deformed and distorted by the initial saw cut. Advances in optics and metallurgy starting in the 1930's would finally build upon Sorby's contribution to metallography and microscopic analysis and bring us to the current state of the art.
Metallography is the preferred technique for evaluating the internal structure or microstructure of metallic materials. A metal's thermomechanical history can be determined by examination of the microstructural characteristics, such as prominent phases, grain size and texture. This type of information is useful for failure analysis, process development and quality control.
Metallogrphy is also gaining popularity for nonmetallic materials and composites.
Process Outline
The basic steps of metallography are:
1. Sample Evaluation - Visual and optical microscopic examination of the component to be analyzed is vital to determine the proper location, size and orientation of the representative sample to be prepared.
2. Sectioning - Diamond or water-cooled abrasive cutting wheels are used to carefully remove the potential sample from the bulk material with the least amount of thermal and mechanical damage.
3. Mounting - The sample is next mounted in themosetting compounds such as Bakelite or clear acrylic, resulting in what is fondly referred to as a hockey puck. The mounted sample is now well protected, easier to handle and more stable.
A mounted samplePolishing with abrasive

4. Grinding and Polishing - Wetted silicon carbide papers and diamond films of decreasing grit size are next used to remove the damaged surface material from the sectioning process and to access the area of interest, such as the center of a corrosion pit. The final mirror-like polish is usually achieved using 0.05 micron alumina slurry, although chemical and electrochemical techniques are also available.
5. Examination - Optical examination of the as-polished sample with a metallograph (an inverted stage, reflected light microscope) is generally used for inclusion rating, dimensional measurement, fracture analysis and fine crack detection. Various microscopic techniques for increasing optical contrast, such as bright/dark field and polarization are available for detailed and sometimes quantitative examination.
6. Etching - Acidic or alkaline solutions corrosive to the metal being tested are next used to provide additional optical contrast for phase identification and grain boundary delineation with the Metallograph. For example, dilute nitric acid is often used for general etching of carbon steels, whereas a picric acid mixture helps to distinguish certain transitional phases. The etching solutions can be applied to the sample various ways, including swabbing, soaking, vaporizing and with electrical current.
A comparison of etched (left) and unetched (right)

7. Documentation - Digital photography of the microstructure is now the standard image storage technology for metallography - much more convenient than the Polaroid film used for decades. A digital image can be easily transmitted, printed, archived and enhanced for analysis.

The field of metallography is continuously expanding and will always strive to incorporate the latest technology to keep pace with the needs of Materials Scientists and Engineers. Many of the techniques outlined above are also applicable to non-metallic materials such as plastics and ceramics, illustrating the flexibility and broad range of this interesting field.
If you want to see metallographic preparation in action, call us to arrange a visit.

Stress Corrosion Cracking in Metals
Stress corrosion cracking (SCC), also called environmental cracking, is arguably the most insidious form of metals failure in nature. In silence and stealth, it usually progresses undetected until eventually something detrimental occurs to shed light on its existence. It is important to realize that virtually all engineering metals and alloys are susceptible to this form of corrosion failure in selected chemical media. However, this Achilles heel is different for the varying families of metals. Some common examples are chloride cracking of austenitic stainless steels, season cracking of copper alloys, caustic embrittlement of steel, and sulfur cracking of nickel alloys.
Although there is much variability in the circumstances surrounding environmental cracking, three common conditions do exist that are necessarily required for SCC to be able to pounce on an unsuspecting metal or alloy. If any of the three conditions are not met, cracking will not occur. Those conditions are a chemical media capable of causing cracking within a particular family of metals, elevated levels of stress, and temperatures above a certain threshold level.
This is the most important player in the stress corrosion cracking game since without a chemical species capable of inducing cracking, SCC will never occur. The reason why some media can crack certain metal families and have no effect on others is not well understood. Usually, but not always, reasonably high concentrations of an offending species are necessary for SCC. The higher the concentration the sooner SCC will occur, and in most cases water in some form is also necessary. Unless a precedent exists, a confident prediction of what media will crack what metals and alloys is not possible. Although similar chemical species to known cracking media can be a guideline for the possibility of cracking, testing of highly stressed samples in a simulated environment is ultimately necessary. On a positive note, corrosion literature over the last sixty or so years has compiled numerous case histories of SCC. Just as various alloys in a particular alloy family are similarly at risk, usually the guilty chemical species also is part of an environmental family. An example is ammonia, which is a known SCC agent for copper alloys. It can be present as household ammonia, in agricultural fertilizers, bird dropping, animal urine, insecticides and a host of other ammoniated chemical compounds. Such literature information guides the corrosion engineer in materials selection that avoids potential SCC situations.
It has been well documented that an incubation period precedes the initiation of stress corrosion cracking, and the higher the stress levels in a particular component the sooner the component will fail from SCC in a media capable of causing SCC. Less quantifiable is the threshold level of stress below which cracking will either not occur, or the length of time it takes to begin cracking will be beyond the normal lifespan of the component. However, the stress must be tensile in nature and is not restricted to in service applied loads. Residual stresses from casting, fabrication and welding play an important additive role, and often in themselves are capable of imparting surface tensile stress levels necessary for SCC to occur.
A minimum temperature must be reached before SCC occurs in susceptible environments, but this is the most nebulous of the three conditions. A more realistic approach is to develop a mindset that in general, increasing temperature, like increasing stress levels, decreases the incubation time period to the onslaught of cracking. Analogous to level of stress, a minimum temperature usually exists below which cracking will either not occur, or the length of time it takes to begin cracking is beyond the normal lifespan of the component. For many situations this is room temperatures.
Metallurgical Examination
A metallurgical investigation into the cause of cracks in a component must differentiate between other forms of cracking such as fatigue, corrosion assisted fatigue, hydrogen embrittlement, progressive overload and impact cracks. When viewed under a metallurgical microscope, stress corrosion cracks are usually quite voluminous and have a unique, branched morphology. The best analogy is of branches on a leafless tree with the cracks initiating at the trunk and continuing to spread out as they propagate away from the trunk. SCC can be both transgranular (across the grains) or intergranular (along the grain boundaries), a point that sometimes helps to identify the stress cracking agent. Engery Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) in the Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is used to determine the chemical elements present in and around the cracks. This technique is often used to establish the presence of a SCC species on a cracked component.
Case Study
Because of the extensive use of austenitic stainless steels in our society, and the pervasiveness of chloride compounds, notably sodium chloride, on this earth, chloride stress corrosion cracking of austenitic stainless steels is by far the most important and common form of SCC. Fortunately for the metallurgist, stainless steel is quite resistant to uniform corrosive attack, and therefore chloride SCC is usually not masked or obliterated by other forms of corrosion. The chloride stress corrosion cracks in 200 and 300 series stainless steels are distinctively very highly branched and almost always transgranular.
Transgranular SCC of austenitic stainless steel in a chloride environment

The element chlorine is easily detected using EDS.
Chloride SCC in austenitic stainless steel is an excellent study of the three conditions necessary for SCC to occur. 300 series stainless steels are commonly used in chloride containing waters, cooking utensils and even sea water without problems. For cracking to occur, the most important condition is the need for the chloride salt to concentrate to high levels through evaporation and remain so for a long period of time. The temperature must be upwards of 100°F, and usually residual stresses from manufacturing are enough for cracking to occur. A personal example is a 60's vintage three-quart cooking pot and lid, fabricated from 304 stainless steel sheet with a rolled and folded formed lip on the lid. The pot has seen plenty of sodium chloride salt from cooking over the years, especially this particular size since it is ideal for boiling potatoes with the cover in place. A white film usually forms at the edge of the lid during cooking. The pot and the flat surfaces of the lid have never cracked since both are washed after every use and thus the chloride salt does not have a chance to concentrate. What did crack is the rolled and folded formed lip on the lid. The fold provided enough of a crevice so chlorides were able to have a place to concentrate and remain for a long period of time. The temperature during cooking was well above 100°F and plenty of residual stresses were present from rolling and folding.
In materials selection for a particular application, the most successful and often the least difficult SCC mitigation approach is to select a metal or alloy this is not susceptible under the environmental conditions it will see. If this is not possible due to design or economic reasons, modifying the environment so SCC will not occur is also highly successful, but often this is the most difficult approach to achieve. If neither of these is possible, reducing the surface tensile stresses is next line of attack. This can be accomplished by reducing stress concentrators in the initial design, stress relief annealing to reduce residual stresses, shot peening to provide a thin surface layer of compressive rather than tensile stress, and beefing up the component to reduce the effect of applied stresses. A less desirable approach is to isolate the component from the offending environment by use of a coating or plating, which risks breaches in the barrier layer either inherent to the layer or that could occur over time, and thus may not be a reliable preventative.
The first step to avoiding stress corrosion cracking is to determine through literature sources or in consultation with us if the environments your component will experience have a historical possibility of causing SCC in the alloys you have selected. Be conservative, and if the answer is yes, evaluate the actual operating conditions and the physical state your component is in to assess the feasibility of cracking actually occurring. If the answer still remains that SCC is possible, implement the preventative steps outlined in the article to reduce or even eliminate the risk of SCC.

The "What Is It?" Contest
The scanning electron microscope (SEM) is a powerful tool, capable of magnifications up to 180,000 times. It allows us to reveal information which is critical to metallurgical investigations, such as fracture modes and surface characteristics.
The SEM can also be fun to play with, because it allows one to view the surface of anything at high magnification with great depth of field. All of us have been amazed by the pictures of various insect parts, especially the eye of a fly.
In this issue's contest, we take a look at an object on the SEM that should be familiar to all of you, and ask you to guess what it is. In past issues, we have looked a kitchen mold, lava rock, various fabric fibers and the tip of a fishing hook. This time, there are four images representing two similar items taken at two different magnifications. If you still think this is too difficult, here is a hint: George Washington.
Expertise in dendrochronology may not be useful to win this contest, but may get you Headed down the right path.

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Please fax, mail or e-mail us (don't call) with your answer. We will draw a winner from all correct entries received by November 1. The correct answer and the winner will be published in the next Of Materials Interest issue.
The prize is a $50 gift certificate to a restaurant of your choice and a MEi polo shirt, so put on your thinking caps and your appetites.

Next: 1995 Fall Newsletter